Michel Perrault/English/Clips/Performances

Performance Recordings
This page provides access to video clips of recent recordings of live performances of some of the musical compositions of Michel Perrault.

Méditation élégiaque (Elegiac Meditation)
"Méditation élégiaque" (Elegiac Meditation) was composed for someone wishing to honor the memory of his recently departed life partner.

Finally refused for "philosophical differences", expressing the exchange of last thoughts between the soul (violin) and life (piano), and closing with the soul's ascension and life's decline, Michel Perrault composed an elegiac meditation of great depth, beauty, and serenity.

"Meditation élégiaque" by Michel Perrault is here beautifully performed by the sister musical duo of Amélie (Violin) and Ariane (Piano) Benoit Bastien, in the concert hall of Regina Assumpta College, where Amélie teaches the violin.

This May 30th 2011 performance was sponsored by Annette Gobert, Michel Perrault's widow. The recording was sponsored by the Cosmos Square Inc. TelepathMedia production unit.

Jeux de Quartes
Jeux de quartes, by Michel Perrault, 24 min.

With section names inspired by card games, starting with "La donnée" (The Deal) for the introduction, followed by six "Games" or variations, before the "Nouvelle donnée" (New Deal) which precedes the "Grand Jeu" (Great Game) and "Finale, this non-descriptive, structured, deep, expressive, and sensitive composition with a classical harmonic development, is written in a very contemporary musical language.

Using the similar sounding words in French of "cartes" (playing cards) and "quartes" (fourths), with rich creative magic, the composer plays with "fourth" intervals, often harmonically "forbidden".

Written for Harp and Orchestra, "Jeux de quartes" requires great virtuosity from the soloist, here brilliantly assumed by Ms Marie (Emma) Iösch-Lorcini (Marie Iösch), well known Canadian Harpist, accompanied by the orchestra conducted by Michel Perrault, performing the concertino from this remarkable Canadian composer.

Cendrillon et le moine
Clip from the "Tin Pan Alley" show, by the Quavaria vocal ensemble (Catherine Brunelle (soprano), Christine Harel (mezzo-soprano), Dwain Richardson (tenor), Marc Belleau (Baryton), Antoni Carlone (piano)).
A Kosmoski (Jean-Claude Bélanger, Michel Perrault) Fugue on a Thelonious Monk Theme, with a piano Arrangement by Antoni Carlone.

Cendrillon et le moine (Fable nocturne)

Sur le coup d'minuit, le sort se termine
Et tous les rats les souris
Vers leurs demeures s'acheminent,

Que fait cett' citrouille en plein chemin,
Et, dans l'escalier, un tout petit soulier?

Les pauvres rats tiennent la portière,
Pendant que Cendrillon descend,
Met son petit pied par terre.

Que fait cette citrouille en plein chemin
Et, dans l'escalier, un tout petit soulier?

Une méchant' fée transforme les bêtes,
Pour équiper en beauté
Celle qui désire voir la fête.


À Québec au clair de lune (1959)
Clip from the "Tin Pan Alley" show, by the Quavaria vocal ensemble (Catherine Brunelle (soprano), Christine Harel (mezzo-soprano), Dwain Richardson (tenor), Marc Belleau (Baryton), Antoni Carlone (piano)).
A Marius Delisle composition, arranged by Jean-Claude Bélanger and Michel Perrault.

À Quebec au clair de lune (1959)

À Québec au clair de lune,
Comme il fait bon,
À Québec avec ma brune,
Nous nous aimons,
Montés sur la citadelle
Nous écoutons
Les petites hirondelles
Dans les buissons.

Main dans la main, amoureux, jeunes et vieux
Se promènent sur la terrasse,
Et la fanfare de ses sons mélodieux
Remplit toute la place.
À Québec au clair de lune,
Comme il fait bon
À Québec avec ma brune,
Nous nous aimons.

À Québec, à Québec, à Québec, à Québec c'est bon!

À la claire fontaine (cantate)
A cantate composed by Michel Perrault, for Choir, Strings, and Piano, and inspired by folk themes and lyrics. The cantate is here performed on May 29th, 2011, by the Alarica Choir, directed by Mr Yves Paul.

Clic a description above, to play the corresponding video clip

See also